Thursday, March 18, 2010

St. Patricks Day: Really, it's for the Americans

As mentioned before, alcohol is super cheap in Spain. My mom seems to be under the impression that all I do is drink, but really who wants to be updated in my blog about studying or trips to the doctor? (oh btw I have a pinched nerve, so any typos may be due to drowsiness, the doctor gave me a lot of drugs, incl some strong muscle relaxants)

BUT St. Paddy's day. Back in the States I celebrate St Paddy's day by wearing all green and taking advantage of the fact that it is socially acceptable to pinch people not wearing green. So yesterday, while sporting a green scrunchie (you heard me right, a scrunchie), a green tank top, green sweatshirt, green converses and my green messenger bag, I headed to the street to see people wearing all grays, blacks and browns, like usual. Very disappointing. While some of the Americans were good sports, I felt that I would become quickly hated if I pinched everyone not wearing green. So I kept my pincers to myself.

In the spirit of the holiday I bought a Guinness (and I realllyyyyy don't like the taste of Guinness), a green Bacardi Breezer and white wine (in a green box) with Mandarin/Kiwi Schwepps. All green. I was celebrating my favorite color, all the way. There is a pro to buying this amount of alcohol: it is way cheaper than getting drinks at a bar, and a lot more convenient. There is also a con: this (plus a couple of shots of random hard alcohols) is a lot of alcohol for one girl to handle, despite her German heritage. It was somewhat of a long night...

Here is a man in the vodka/rum/liquor aisle at Alcampo. We think he owns a bar? If not, that is a LOT of alcohol. We admired his dedication. Also the flash went off so it was super embarrassing when he realized we took a picture...

I met Haley, my college friend, and some of her friends from her program at Sol, the traditionally tourist spot, which has 4 or 5 Irish pubs around there. Ridiculously crowded, as you might expect. Still, the weather was good and everyone was in the streets, singing and wearing tall green hats and crazy sunglasses. When I say "everyone" I mostly mean the Americans, British and Australians, who are all great fun (though tend to hit the bottle harder than our Spanish counterparts). It was great merriment and festivities.

A pic that was actually taken later in the night (if you can believe it). Out in front of O'Connells. Or O'Reilly's. Really, some random Irish pub.

As disappointing as it was to see how little enthusiasm the Spanish have for St. Paddy's Day, it was great fun to sport green and go out. Though apparently only one of the eight people in our class showed up for the 9am class this morning... I did have an excuse, however, as my pinched nerve made it impossible for me to walk without wanting to cry. So I went back to bed till my doctor's appointment... and now I have extra strong Ibuprofen, Vitamin B and a strong muscle relaxant to help my back for the next week or so while I heal. Unfortunately no salsa during that time... :(

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