Thursday, March 25, 2010

10 Ways to Tell Katie is 'Merican!

1. I am a fast walker. I walk quite a bit faster than the average American (like mother, like daughter), and the average American walks faster than the average Spaniard. This means I look like I am freaking out whenever I walk anywhere, since I can usually DOUBLE a Spaniard's speed. (Except in heels.)

2. I tend to smile. Not at particular people, but I sometimes smile absent-mindedly when I walk. So this means I creep people out, or look like I am interested in dating them. I mean to do neither, I just tend to be a particularly random-ly happy individual. I am slowly learning to NOT do this at night, when creepers are at their drunkedness and accidently mistake a light smile for a come-on.

3. Sometimes... I sing. Quietly and to myself, but you can hear it if you're close enough. Or I get a song stuck in my head and sing it loudly and encourage others to join in. Note: They usually don't. But that's okay. The most popular songs? "Tik Tok", "Love Me Tender", that song that goes "workin' that back, don't know how to act, slow motion for me, slow motion for me..." or "Parachute" (Cheryl Cole). Sometimes Switchfoot, if I did a lot of HW the night before. Anyway, this singing Katie stands out ;)

4. I dress/look like an American. All the Spanish girls are adorable, in their cute boots and matching purses and skirts or skinny jeans... I like my sweatshirt and converses. Also they wear quite a bit of make-up and do their hair, and I like to go au-natural in the make-up department (though I'll admit I wear more over here) and have a ponytail or sloppy bun. And not a "oh, I'm going to spray this bun and make it look cute and sloppy", but more of a "I have to go to school in a bit, Gosh darn it" bun. Exception: when I go out.
You would think the lack of effort would make the Spanish men ignore me, but instead it seems to point me more out as an American and I guess Americans are hot commodities? I get hit on more on the metro looking like a homeless person than when I dress up...

Bad! No make-up, wearing sweats and sweatshirt, with a ponytail. Do not do this!!!

5. I talk like an American. Not just in English, but louder. Noticeably louder. Americans are notorious for this, and I'm still a bit better then some American groups I meet on the Metro. You can TELL an American group.

6. I still get uneasy when people yell "Guapa!" You'd think that after having it EVERY MORNING from the garbage men I would get over it, but I always get flustered. And that is somehow encouraging to them, mostly because that means I acknowledge their existence.

7. I still go to Sol/ Gran Via. Tourist-y areas. But I think it's fun meeting other Americans and Brits and Australians.

8. I am a big arm mover. When I talk my arms tend to go all over the place. This is not something I see a lot of Spaniards do, at least not sober ones.

9. I thank people for stuff. Like the cashier at H&M, the person who hands out free newspapers at the Metro stops, etc. I suppose I could break this habit easily if I wanted to, but I would feel bad just without thanking someone. Same applies for "¿Que tal?" Usually you ask this of friends, but I ask my waiter, my teachers, etc. etc.

10. My dancing. That's self explanatory. I'm ok with it, apparently I'm still a fun dancer. I think it's because I laugh and smile a lot when I dance, and it makes me look like a fun person ;)

This is a candid picture, and look! I'm still smiling! (Like I said before! Smiling attracts creepers! I had quite a few, um, "fans" that night... and that is not a good thing at 3am!!!)

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