Thursday, January 7, 2010

Pre-departure Thoughts & Goals

Hello all!
This is a way for me to post entries about my experiences in Europe for all my friends and fam back home and around the globe. It's completely separate from my FB (but feel free to contact me through that) but is viewable from the WWW> it'll be funsies.

Anyway, for those of you unfamiliar with my Europe plans, here's the 2 minute summary:
1. I lived in France when I was little (3 years when I was 4, one trimester junior year of HS), so I speak French and have already visited a lot of the places I will be going.
2. I am studying in Madrid, Spain for my Spring 2010 semester. While back home I am a business student, none of my classes are business related. Instead I am taking 12 credits of Spanish (incl. cinema & composition), 3 credits Drawing, 1 credit Cooking, 1 credit Dances of Spain and 2 online credit classes for Entrepreneurship from my home university.
3. My classes are from January 13th to May 14th and then I am traveling around Europe till June 6th.

My goals for this program are:
- Get fluent (or close) in Spanish
- To partake of the nightlife properly (Spaniards are famous, or perhaps infamous, for the nightlife... I've heard that the average Spaniard gets an hour less of sleep PER NIGHT than citizens of other countries, and thats still less than Americans)
- Learn how to cook and dance in a Spanish-like fashion
- Travel. And figure out how to do it cheaply, as rent in downtown Madrid will be quickly sucking my funds dry.

Anyway, I hope to be updating/publishing every couple days (for posterity's sake) so enjoy :)

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