Wednesday, January 13, 2010

First days in Madrid

So the first days of Madrid have gone by faster than I would expect: the kids in the program are great, my host "family" (really just a couple) is super sweet and accommodating and I've registered for classes.

According to my host family spea
k with a German accent and can put my words in order, and I've in placed in a higher level Spanish class than I expected (or, really, wanted). And apparently my accent isn't American... it's German... ? (from my 2 hours spent on layover in Frankfurt on Monday I know for a fact my German is disgustingly poor)

Anyway here are some pics, hopefully there'll be more interesting ones later! :)

The group in Plaza Mayor, meeting up in the nasty rain thats been here all week...

These are the paintings in the background of the pic above. Absolutely beautiful (but probably better if the weather wasnt so gray)

And of course the market near la Plaza Mayor has a tower of wine bottles. And of course I have to take the picture next to it... :)

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