Sunday, February 7, 2010

Tole-DOH! Thoughts on torture, and customer service reminiscent of torture

Completely impromptu trip to Toledo yesterday. Spent a good part of the time "lost", which is a fun way to see the non-touristy areas. The typical tourist destinations incl. the Cathedral (7 Euros, but apparently worth it? I must go back) and the Alcazar (Castle, closed for renovation). Still, there was a TORTURE EXHIBIT. I think I sincerely scared the crap out of the guys I was with in my excitement to see this exhibit, but the messed up minds of the Spanish Inquisition and the punishments they gave... fascinating. AND HORRIBLE.

Random dancing and music procession we stumbled upon. Great colors, lots of people. Followed by what appeared to be a political protest? Couldn't understand the chanting going on.

Alcazar (Castle) of Toledo. Beautiful. Closed for renovation. Sigh.

Smiling from inside the nail-barrel box thing at the Torture Exhibit. Don't worry, it's fake. Plastic-y.
But 3/4ths of the stuff at the exhibit were REAL. Including a seriously messed up chastity belt. See my FB pics for more pics at this exhibit.

Also. Random side note: We went to a restaurant that had some of the worst customer service I have ever seen. While it sucks that waitresses/waiters in the States often have to rely on tips to get by, at least it encourages prompt service. You know what "tip" stands for? "To insure promptness." Fail, Toledo restaurant.

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